What does it mean when an artist puts down her brush?
- a mason puts down his trowel?
- a composer puts down his baton?
- a writer puts down her pen?
- a boxer hangs up his gloves?
- a runner hangs up her shoes?
- a golfer hangs her bags?
- a carpenter hangs his belt?
Which does this mean?
- “I failed” or “I finished?”
- “I’m done in” or “I’m done?”
- “I quit” or “I completed?”
- For some it is the former, while for others it is the latter.
- For some it means for now, while for others it means for good.
In the end, what does it really mean?
- I must not assume that I know, for I am not the artist!
- Only the creator knows.
- When the creation was done He said, “It is good,” and then He rested.
What does it mean when he or she puts it down for good?
- Is it a sad thing or is it a right thing? Perhaps it is both.
- Grief does have its rightful place, you know.
- Gratitude does too.
Is it a bad thing or is it a good thing?
- Perhaps that is not ours to decide.
- Can it just be acceptable; “It is well”
- Can it even be embraceable; “It is time.”
Does the finality of it all mean death of the artist?
- No.
- The artist lives on, not just in the fabric of the art but in the fiber of our hearts.
What does it mean when an artist puts down her brush for the very last time?
- Ask her… and listen…
- Watch her… and learn…

Comments by Ric Ochsner