Morning glory breaks free and alive.
Night of long tedious darkness, is dead.
I am wonderfully awake.
All that is before is fresh; endlessly new.
That which once was longingly hoped for, has finally and fully arrived in it’s timeless state.
Striving has ceased, for sublime being.
Weary restlessness is exchanged for restful peace.
Restrictive grounding of old life becomes liberated flight of new.
Defeating pessimism is eclipsed by victorious optimism.
No longer are hindering impossibilities, only unhinged opportunities.
Away from, is now with; faith in Him being ever-exchanged for sight in His presence.

Oh, one day, one day, that will be a Glorious Morning to tangibly embrace. For the Promised One has kept His promise! And I. I am totally well.

“Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?”
1 Corinthians 15:55 NIV