Pastoring a church is not easy. If for you it is, then you must be doing something wrong! Most of us already know the weighty mantle ever upon us; responsibility before the Church and accountability before God. As much as this role is a high calling, it is equally highly demanding. Consequently we who pastor may significantly strive to be good shepherds of “the flock,” until we are significantly struck with reminding clarity that there is only one Good Shepherd the flock truly needs.

The Season of Lent comes to an end during Holy Week. Every year Palm Sunday through Resurrection Sunday it falls to us (pastors, priests, shepherds or ministers) to lead the church through all the traditional services, ready or not. Yet already weary, coming to an end ourselves, how can we? For that matter, how can the church? Questions hang heavy on the mantle.

The Questions are heavy:

  • How can I orchestrate services for these Holy Days, if I can’t really orchestrate my own life to be holy?
  • How can I go through the motions publicly, if there is no emotion privately?
  • How can I point to the Cross of Christ, “where Jesus died for our sins,” when I won’t point to my own sins to which I have yet to die? How can we?
  • How can we be sorrowful over the Sufferings of Jesus, if we’ve not grieved over our being the cause?
  • How can we grasp the major sacrifice of Jesus for us, if we ourselves have minimally sacrificed?
  • How can I rejoice in Jesus conquering Death, if I have not died to myself?
  • How can we celebrate The Empty Tomb, when our own remain whitewashed?

The Answer is more heavy: You can’t! None of us can. Pride says its possible. It has to be. It must be. Humility says its impossible. No way can or will it be. As pastors, ministers of the Gospel, clergy, we need to remember that we are no different than those laity “out there” before us; all of us needing the work of the Holy Spirit in us.

Be Humble. If anything is a must, it must begin with you. You have no robe, but that robe of righteousness given you by God, bought by the blood of His Son. Clothe yourself with humility, not wearing the mask of hypocrisy. As you serve the church to which you are called, the people you are to shepherd, remember that you serve Christ Jesus who said to us all, Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (Mt. 11:29 ESV).

Let your priests be clothed with righteousness, and let your saints shout for joy.
Psalm 132:9 ESV