The heavy weight of stress rolls over, blocking my last rays of hope. Entombed in darkness and despair, without sight, I am left with dank oppressive thoughts of death. It is so suffocating to my soul. Alone, I can hardly breathe in here.

Roll away this Stone of Stress, oh Lord! Roll it, as that Day when you rolled the stone away from the Tomb. Death sought to lock in Life and block out Hope. But Life overcame! So I trust in You. I choose Life.

Roll the Stone, my God. I cannot. I have no strength. The women that dark morning could not. Who would? You did. Only You could. I know now, only You can.

Let the weight of stress be removed from this tomb. Let my eyes again see the light of Hope beyond these enclosed walls. Let my soul again breathe in the free air of Life with you. I so need to breathe.

My God, please grant me, renewed strength to believe beyond depressive walls of disappointment, discouragement, doubt, and despair. Let the cool wind of your Spirit blow over me and calm my burning fears. Quiet the rapid beating of my anxious heart. Have your way over that of which I have absolutely no control. Make a way for me where none seem left for me.

Roller of the Stone, My trust is in You. Free me from this oppression, without and within. My God, deliver me through and beyond this dark day.

But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away. Mark 16:4 NIV