Stained glass when laid down safely on a flat surface, hides it’s potential glory within. But when hung up, exposed and vulnerable, as it was designed to be, this glass combined with other pieces, serves its blessed purpose. Beautiful colors are revealed as light shines through, giving glory to the image displayed, which far more gives glory to its Designer-Maker.

Stained Glass is first Chosen for its potential glory, Scored for its intended shape, then carefully Broken into its piece. It then is Blessed to be purposely placed in and among other different glass pieces, according to the Maker’s Grand Design. Each piece is soldered together with its neighboring parts to form a unique framed image. This work of art is then hung to be seen, Given for viewer’s eyes delight & hope.

However, not until the glass is laboriously and lovingly, crafted within the boundaries of the frame, is it ready to be hung, transparent, exposed to the light of day shining through it. While on display for all to see, it’s glory revealed, brings full glory to its Designer-Maker, while on display for all to see.

Many claim themselves to be broken stained glass, and lie down as if left without purpose. And so hidden away, they fail to let the sun shine through them. As well, there are many who say they are broken Christians, yet live safely hidden, and lie down without hope of Purpose, leaving no Light to shine through them. As such, God (the Master Designer & Maker) for his labor of love on them, does not get the glory that is due Him!

Personally, I know what it is to be stained. I know what it is to be physically and mentally broken. I know what it is to lie flat on a hospital bed, unable to function as I once did, with no sense of Purpose left, But…

Personally, I also know that God has His wonderful Plan, and He still wants Me to be a wonderful Piece in it. My Purpose? Each day, no matter where I am placed let His light shine through me that others may see His glory, and not me.

Stained glass window, when to the Light is hung,
then only can the Maker’s work,
be viewed in all it’s glory, done.

Glass, first chosen, scored, broke, then placed beside,
the other broken pieces bound,
by led, together to reside.

Stained and broken, mere “piece of glass” to you,
to Him in Maker’s Grand Design,
Beauty, His Glory to shine through.

How do you see yourself today? How do others see God’s glory through you?

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. ~ Matthew 5:16 NIV