All God’s people got struggles!” By comparison, they may differ in measure, weight, caliber and intensity, still (perspective), you have your worst and I have mine. These struggles never come at a convenient time; seemingly reeking havoc in our best laid plans. Frustration builds, anger & anxiety mix (toxic roommates), discouragement ruminates. So we naturally agonize Right? (agonizomai gr. – Hebrews 12:4).

Yet could it be, there is something in it? Yes. Know that there is Power in the Struggle!

Presence ~ In it

  • You are Not alone! (may feel like it)
  • I will never leave you or forsake you. – Jn. 1:5
  • I will be with you always to the very end of the age. – Mt. 28:20
  • He was:
    • With Daniel in the lions den
    • With Jonah in the great fish
    • With Shadrach, Meshack & Abednego in the fire
    • With the Disciples in the storm

> With You & Me in the struggle

Omnipotence ~ Over it

  • His Rule, Reign & Authority is Not limited
  • With Man it is impossible, but with God, all things are possible. – Mt. 19:26
  • Angel said to Mary re: Conception Nothing is impossible with God. – Lu. 1:27
  • He is:
    • Over Seas – Red Sea/Galilee
    • Over Nations – Pharaoh, Caesar
    • Over Satan himself

> Over circumstances of Our struggle 

Will ~ By it (is accomplished)

  • God works in us both to will and to do for His good pleasure. – Php. 2:13
  • OT Prophecy re: Suffering Servant/Messiah – Isa. 53:10
  • NT Jesus submitted to it – MT. 26:39, 42 note: what accomplished through it
    • Substitutionary atonement (for our sins)
    • Liberation (from bondage to sin & death)
    • Reconciliation (right relationship with Father)

> Works His Will by it, as we pray, “Thy Will be done…”

Endurance ~ Through it

  • Gives the ability to go the distance
    • Did for Joseph (OT) in well, in slavery, in prison, in leading a nation
    • Did for Paul (NT) – 2 Ti.4:7
    • Did for Corrie Ten Boom – darkness of the Concentration Camp
    • Did for Mother Theresa – death & dying darkness of Calcutta
    • Done for with Joni Erikson-Tada – debilitation & devastation of paralysis

> Strengthens You & Me through, it – Col. 1:10-12

Redemption ~ Of it

  • Our Kinsman-Redeemer – Isaiah 43:1-2
  • Our Lord and Savior – Isaiah 43:3
  • He can redeem Our struggles:
    • Take our worst messes, problems, situations, and use for good
    • Joseph said to his betrayal-brothers, You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. – Gen. 50:20
    • Only God can take a bad situation, redeem it, and make something good

> He has done it in my situation, and He can do it in yours!

  • He has done it in my Life, and He can do it in yours!

All God’s people got struggles!” Yes we certainly do. The Abundant Life is full of them. I don’t ask for them. Neither do you. What matters is not to miss what is in those struggles.

The Power of God In your Struggle, Battle, Fight (whatever it is)

  • Is His:
    • P – Presence ~ In it
    • O – Omnipotence ~ Over it
    • W – Will ~ By it
    • E – Endurance ~ Through it
    • R – Redemption ~ Of it