Owning Your Own Faith
What is your faith? Can you say that it is really yours? You can play the game all you want,…
What is your faith? Can you say that it is really yours? You can play the game all you want,…
Being a pastor of a church is rarely easy. There are a few amazing mountaintop experiences climbed yet plenty of…
“A B C, easy as one, two, threeAre simple as do re miA B C, one, two, three, baby, you…
“Please know that even though I can’t be with you, I’ll be with you in spirit.” Such is the kind…
While the world around you seems to be increasingly dis-membered what do you continually need to re-member? When everything in…
What worked before in discipleship may not work now. What familiar and trusted “go-to practices for disciple-making may not be…
It seems we are often too quick to react because of what we see, rather than to respond because of…
Perception is as real as eyesight. If it’s true that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, then it…
What we have all experienced over the past months with COVID-19 has not been that we got through it but…
Jesus said,He who has ears, let him hear. – Matthew 13:9 ESVHaving eyes do you not see, and having ears…