Where do you live? Where is your dwelling place? It seems everywhere are “the displaced” and “the misplaced.” It may be because of neighborhood/culture change, or house/property tax increases, economic/financial downfall, or moral/ethical decline, or even political/party divide. Consequently people are saying things like, “My livelihood is gone”, “I’ve lost my home”, “This is not what I remember growing up,” or “I certainly don’t feel at home in my own country any more.”

In our Maine culture we have traditionally taken pride in being independent; self-sufficient rather than dependent on any one. We think we can provide for, and protect, ourselves! To be otherwise is often thought of as a sign of weakness or vulnerability.

Yet, is this our Divine design as Christians? Is this how we were intended to live in the first place? As members of the Body of Christ, are we really better apart? Are we truly growing, healthy and fruitful by ourselves? Are you? Sure: As long as, you are absolutely Able; putting your Mind to it, engaging your Will and applying your Faith hard enough for God. Right!? Or, is all that solo striving just a lie we have slowly bought in to; sold as true?

With all the catastrophes, carnage and crisis we are viewing or experiencing as of late, we are having to Humbly learn the real truth of God: “apart from me you can do nothing.” When globally, nationally and individually it has increasingly become clear that we do not have as much control or self-sufficiency as we once pridefully thought, it makes us soberly aware of our own frailty.

As Christians, we should better comprehend the metaphorical yet critical words of the Lord that he is the Vine and we are the Branches. We/you need, Him for everything! He is the source of Life itself and place in which are to abide. Why is it that we tend to live apart from Him in this nation, as we so often we readily do? Perhaps that’s what you yourself are doing right now…

Pastors and churches alike are coming to the quick realization that as “branches” we can only do what we are enabled to do by the “Vine.” Yes, as branches we are frail and vulnerable, but even now we can thrive as long as we faithfully, intentionally, and de-pendently abide. That, today is critical!

As Christians, it doesn’t come naturally or easily to abide. It takes willful practice. But even as seeming strangers & aliens here, it will bear much fruit in a land right now in desperate need.

The question remains: No matter your circumstances, how well have you learned to abide?

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.
~ John 15:5 ESV